The Danger of Remotely Managed (i.e. cloud-based) Software

Today you can buy a lot of software on a subscription, cloud basis scheme.

Of course, from the software-house point of view there are no issues. ? But from the users’ perspective the fact that cloud, subscription-based business models are widely enforced by the market, and that its supporters claim this to be an advantage for the users doesn’t turn a bad management choice into a good one. Continue reading “The Danger of Remotely Managed (i.e. cloud-based) Software”

No More Mandatory Data Retention in Italy? – Update

As a consequence of the Parliament/Govern inactivity, the huge quantity of traffic data that survived the June, 30 midnight – and that some ISP might still have in its own hand, maybe hoping for a last-minute, never passed, prorogation – is currently being deleted.

Right now, traffic-Database deleting schedules should have been re-set to the old standard: one year retention period as set forth by sec. 132 of the Italian Data Protection Act.

And the Data Protection Authority still hasn’t hissed a word.