
This blog collects ideas, texts and information about High-Tech’s culture, politics and law.

I only write about topics I have a decent knowledge about, by way of a direct involvement or fact-checking with authoritative sources.

While in my posting I try to be as much as objective I can, the reader should be aware of what I stand for: Free Speech and Digital Rights, Open Source, Freedom of Science and Scientific Research.

If you like what I write, you might consider supporting this project with a donation, no matter how small:


Paragon and Meta: the spectre of surveillance and the phantom of democracy

The growing suspicion in recent days, recently dispelled by the Italian government, that the state secret service had used Paragon spyware to eavesdrop on a journalist and an activist brought to mind Juvenal’s eternal question – who controls the controllers? – but with the need for reformulation: who controls the suppliers of the controllers? by Andrea …

Has the Data Protection Authority really ‘blocked’ DeepSeek?

It is quite clear that not much can be expected from the initiative of the national protection authority. Unless one wants to raise the temperature of the confrontation to a higher level. With all the implied consequences by Andrea Monti – initially published in Italian by La Repubblica – Italian Tech

A short bio

My name is Andrea Monti and I am a lawyer, a writer and a scholar in High-Tech Law.

My main fields of practice are the Internet, bioinformatics and high-tech law. I worked  for many companies, large and small, national and international. Including research facilities, software houses, telecom operators, internet service providers, international consulting firms, banks, publishers.

I have a solid academic involvement. I am adjunct professor of Fundaments of sport law and Digital Law at the University of Chieti-Pescara where I have also been appointed – from 2018 to 2020 – adjunct professor in Public order and security law. From 2016 to 2021 I have been invited to provide lectures at the II Degree Master on IT Law of the Rome-Sapienza University. I am the chair of the Italian Biotech Law Conference and my activity is mainly related to the universities of Chieti and Rome. But I gave lectures in several other faculties. My papers have been published by international and Italian scientific journals, and I gave speeches in Japan, USA, UK, France, Belgium, Czec Republic, Switzerland and Bulgaria.

I provided lectures for the Unione delle Camere penali education programmes and law enforcement training facilities (Istituto superiore della Polizia di Stato, Centro addestramento Polizia postale, Carabinieri’s Centro nazionale amministrativo) about computer crime and copyright law. In 2019 and 2020 I also taught Criminal Procedural Law at the Scuola per il controllo del territorio of the Italian Polizia di Stato

My computer law monthly column on PC Professionale lasts since 1995 and is one of the oldest in Italy. Other articles and interviews on these topics have been published by major Italian daily newspapers and magazines, including La Repubblica and IlSole24Ore.

I authored with Stefano Chiccarelli the book Spaghetti Hacker and with Enrico Zimuel e Corrado Giustozzi, Segreti, spie, codici cifrati (both published by Apogeo). Hops editore, published the book Trademark online, that I wrote together with Alessia Ambrosini. I translated into Italian the Alan Cooper’s The inmates are running the asylum with the title Il disagio tecnologico, Cyril N. Parkinson’s Parkinson’s Law with the title La Legge di Parkinson and Raymond Wacks Oxford University Press’ Privacy. A very short introduction with the title Privacy. Una sintetica introduzione. Together with Raymond Wacks, emeritus professor of law and legal theory at the Hong Kong University I have written three books: Protecting Personal Information (2019), COVID-19 and Public Policy in the Digital Age (2020) e National Security in the New World Order (2021)

Ictlex.net – the blog where I collect, since 2000, ideas and documents about the law, politics and culture of the Internet – has been rewarded by Reporter sans frontiéres with the Freedom Blog Award 2005.

In this blog I address for the English-speaking audience, the intricacies of the Italian ICT law, while on www.monti.jp I do the same for the Japanese-speaking scholars and businessmen.

Contact Info

00187 Roma (IT) Via Calabria, 56
Tel. +39 06 83396113 • FAX +39 06 62276368

E-mail lawfirm@andreamonti.net

日本語- Italiano

I run a couple of blogs about the same topics in other languages. Contents are usually synchronized, but sometimes they differ due to the specific audience.

  • www.monti.jp は、日本語のhigh-tech lawのブログです,
  • www.ictlex.net E’ il blog in italiano che si occupa di diritto, politica e cultura della rete.