Meta, intelligence and private data. Is it the birth of Technoneomedievalism?

The international order based on the Peace of Westphalia continues to yield to the pressures of a resurgent polycentricity of international powers described by the idea of Neo-Medievalism. However, the ubiquitous role of information technologies makes us wonder whether even this notion is not now obsolete and does not require to match the new interaction between public and private subjects. The East has already chosen. The opinion of Andrea Monti – Professor of Digital Law in the Degree Course in Digital Marketing – University of Chieti-Pescara – Initially published in Italian by Continue reading “Meta, intelligence and private data. Is it the birth of Technoneomedievalism?”

What the UK’s (de facto) departure from the European Convention on Human Rights means for national security and why Italy should address the issue

The now structural contrast between the global protection of individual rights and state interests highlights the crisis of the model based on the European Convention on Human Rights. The English choice could have consequences that go far beyond regaining control over sovereignty and security by Andrea Monti, professor of Digital law in the degree course in Digital marketing, former professor of law of order and public security at the University of Chieti-Pescara – Initially published in Italian by

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Fighting ransomware is still a matter for the law

International operations against groups accused of spreading ransomware for extortion purposes are multiplying. However, the way they are carried out resembles paramilitary actions more than police investigations. Is the law still the best tool to protect critical infrastructure? An analysis by Andrea Monti, professor of Digital Law in the Digital Marketing course at the University of Chieti-Pescara – Initially published in Italia by Continue reading “Fighting ransomware is still a matter for the law”

The VPN wars and the Powerless State

Google offers its VPN also to Italian users, and Apple is preparing to do the same with a similar service, as is – on the activist side – Mozilla. The security of individuals increases (perhaps), the sovereignty of the State decreases (indeed). Moreover, the cybersecurity agency can do nothing about it. The analysis of Andrea Monti, adjunct professor of Digital Law at the University of Chieti-Pescara – Initially published in Italian by

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