Encryption and the EU: all the chikens coming home to roost

The First Report on Encryption recently published by the EU Innovation Hub for Internal Security contains the guidelines and desiderata on encryption of EU structures dealing with security and crime fighting, and highlights the unresolved contradictions of the free availability of cryptographic technologies by Andrea Monti – Adjunct Professor of Digital Law – University of Chieti-Pescara – Initially published in Italian by Formiche.net Continue reading “Encryption and the EU: all the chikens coming home to roost”

Who wins and who loses in the Julian Assange affair

The plea bargain with which the US has decided to put an end (at least for now) to the Julian Assange affair highlights once again, and in exemplary fashion, how illusory it is to think that law represents a force to which everyone, including states, must submit by Andrea Monti – Initially published in Italian by Italian Tech-La Repubblica Continue reading “Who wins and who loses in the Julian Assange affair”

What the Chinese ban of Whatsapp, Telegram and Signal from Apple’s App Store means

According to the Wall Street Journal, Apple has removed or is about to remove a number of programmes from the Chinese version of its App Store, including Whatsapp, Threads, Telegram and Signal on the basis of national security concerns expressed by Beijing by Andrea Monti – Initially published in Italian on Strategikon – an Italian Tech – La Repubblica blog Continue reading “What the Chinese ban of Whatsapp, Telegram and Signal from Apple’s App Store means”

US-China war over processors goes beyond technological autonomy

The Financial Times reports  China’s decision to discontinue the use of Intel and Amd processors – as well as the Windows operating system and implicitly the software that needs it to work – from its civil services: China react to the technological ban with a blow to the solidity of US Big Tech. The analysis by Andrea Monti, Professor of Digital Law at the University of Chieti-Pescara – Initially published in Italian on Formiche.net Continue reading “US-China war over processors goes beyond technological autonomy”