Big Tech has always – like any other industry – promoted institutional contacts at various levels to represent its demands to legislators and intervene on measures that endanger its interests. ‘Institutional relations’ consultants – lobbyists, in other words – spend their time gathering information on what is happening in the precints of power and, on the other hand, make available documents, technical analyses and statistical data that decision-makers often do not have the means or the opportunity to obtain, or support public events organised by institutional actors as a form of ‘civil engagement’ and ‘social responsibility’. For some time now, however, the activity of influencing political choices has also begun to extend to interaction with civil society – activists and associations for the defence of ‘digital rights’ – and then, finally, directly to the people, or rather, to people’s perception of the concept of rights by Andrea Monti – Initally published in Italian by Strategikon – Italian Tech La Repubblica Continue reading “Apple’s sense of Privacy”
How Big Tech has exploited our craving for reality escape
In a world now enjoyed artificially through screens of various shapes and sizes, Big Tech has masterfully exploited some of the deepest and most disturbing aspects of human frailty. Behind the promise of new forms of interaction or entertainment, they capitalise on a state of deep unease: the inability to cope with our limitations and the isolation that often accompanies modern life by Andrea Monti – Initially published in Italian by La Repubblica – Italian Tech Continue reading “How Big Tech has exploited our craving for reality escape”
Imane Khelif should be a scandal, but for an entirely different reason
The case of Imane Khelif, the Algerian boxer who is the subject of heated controversy at the Paris 2024 Olympics because as a ‘trans’ woman she cannot fight a woman should, yes, make a scandal, but not for the reasons that many are arguing by Andrea Monti – Initially published in Italian by Italian Tech – La Repubblica. Continue reading “Imane Khelif should be a scandal, but for an entirely different reason”
Can governments ‘suggest’ censorship to social networks?
The US Supreme Court decides not to rule on a case that is fundamental to freedom of expression. The issue is whether or not it is legitimate for an executive power to ‘suggest’ to a platform what content to censor instead of taking transparent steps subject to public scrutiny by Andrea Monti – Initially published in Italian by
Continue reading “Can governments ‘suggest’ censorship to social networks?”
The Crowdstrike bug and the weakness of the EU cybersecurity strategy
Apart from the purely cyber aspect, the Crowdstrike case is a warning light on the risks of the EU approach to cybersecurity management by Andrea Monti – Adjunct Professor of Digital Law – University of Chieti-Pescara – Intitialli published in Italia by
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