Is ChatGPT going to be blocked again in Italy?

It is an open secret that the Italian data protection authority is very interested in becoming the regulator for AI. They have started to appear in different areas, intervening as much as possible in the public debate. The OpenAI case is clearly part of this strategy by Andrea Monti – this is an abriged and edited version of a longer article publishe in Italian by Italian Tech – La Repubblica Continue reading “Is ChatGPT going to be blocked again in Italy?”

Italy: Journalistic sources, Does ‘national security’ warrant formal legal recognition to protect media professional secrecy? 

In order to protect the confidentiality of journalists’ sources it is arguable that the concept of national security ought to be accorded a full legal status. This question has been reignited by the debate concerning  EU regulation on the future measure on press freedom which  pits those who want journalists to have absolute ‘freedom to investigate’ against those who believe that this freedom cannot be absolute or, in any case, cannot be exercised to the point of endangering national security  by Andrea Monti – Initially published in English by INFORRM and in Italian by La Repubblica – Italian Tech. Continue reading “Italy: Journalistic sources, Does ‘national security’ warrant formal legal recognition to protect media professional secrecy? “