A peculiar feature of the third iteration of Call of Duty Modern Warfare has gone almost unnoticed by the media: it will increase the use of AI to block – ‘filter’, as marketing experts would euphemistically say – ‘toxic’ conversations. In other words, an AI will analyse what players are saying in real time, and ‘toxic’ language – whatever that means – will be reported to the moderation team by Andrea Monti – initially published in Italian by Strategikon – an Italian Tech Blog Continue reading “From mass surveillance to individual control, the path goes through videgames and exposes the GDPR”
Two bad rulings for Investigative Journalism
In an unforeseen and unrelated coincidence, the Italian Court of Cassation and the Criminal Court of Lisbon have recently delivered two verdicts that could potentially impact investigative journalism based on “leaks” and the platforms that facilitate their circulation By Andrea Monti – Initially published by Wired.it Continue reading “Two bad rulings for Investigative Journalism”
The UN’s Global Digital Compact Takes Another Step Towards the Political Control of Internet Governance
With the Global Digital Compact, the UN aims to define shared principles for the security of the digital ecosystem. However, as of now, it does not consider traditional Internet Governance. This could be another step towards the ultimate absorption of control over Big Internet into the domain of institutional soft power by Andrea Monti – Adjunct Professor in Digital Law in the Master’s Degree course in Digital Marketing at the University of Chieti-Pescara – Initially published in Italian by Formiche.net Continue reading “The UN’s Global Digital Compact Takes Another Step Towards the Political Control of Internet Governance”
AI (non-)copyright. A US ruling apparently sets the record straight, but negatively affects content-creators
Last August 18, 2023, a ruling of US District Court for the District of Columbia in the Civil Action No. 22-1564 (BAH) denied copyright protection to an image generated with an AI in execution of the input (‘prompt’) of the user. At a first glance the ruling looks correct, however it is questionable because there are are many examples of copyrighted non-AI- generated content made without human intervention. The main problem with this ruling, indeed, is that it looks at the matter from the (wrong) perspective of the ‘AI subjectivity’ rather than the economic value of the final product by Andrea Monti – initially published in Italian on Strategikon – an Italian Tech Blog Continue reading “AI (non-)copyright. A US ruling apparently sets the record straight, but negatively affects content-creators”
The EU/US new ‘Privacy Shield’. Why the cure is worse than the disease
On 10 July 2023, in a document of over 190 pages, the European Commission tries for the third time to solve an unsolvable problem: that of allowing the exchange of personal data with the USA, ‘accused’ of not offering adequate protection to the data of European citizens that are processed, in various ways, by North American companies by Andrea Monti – Initially published in Italian by Italian Tech – La Repubblica Continue reading “The EU/US new ‘Privacy Shield’. Why the cure is worse than the disease”