On the side of Jorge da Burgos (or “on information and the awareness of not knowing”)

I overheard people laughing at ridiculous things and reminded them of one of the principles of our rule. And as the psalmist says, if the monk must abstain from good speech because of his vow of silence, all the more reason why he must avoid lousy speech. And as there are bad speeches, there are bad images. And these are those that lie about the form of creation and show the world in the opposite of what it should be, has always been and will always be forever and ever until the consummation of time. by Andrea Monti – Initially published in Italian on Strategikon – an Italian Tech blog Continue reading “On the side of Jorge da Burgos (or “on information and the awareness of not knowing”)”

Pandemic, War and the (il)logic of ‘methink’

Polarisation of positions, opinions formulated by ‘experts’ with no real qualifications or by people who have never dealt with a particular subject but who speak out anyway, the need to generate traffic to support the monetisation of content, a paroxysmal search for visibility at any cost, influencers’ self-referentiality pushed to the extreme, ‘moral’ indignation that prevails over the law and the principles of law… It sounds like the umpteenth indictment against the destabilising effects caused by social networks. However, in reality, it concerns the world of so-called ‘professional information, which has demonstrated macroscopically and definitively that it is affected by the same ills. By Andrea Monti – Abridged version of an article initially published in Italian by Strategikon – an Italian Tech Blog

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The dispute between Macron and Domain Name Governance

At the end of 2021, the French media spread the news of a legal action brought by Republique En Marche, the party founded by French President Emmanuel Macron, against a publisher that publishes satirical cartoons on the domain enmarche2022.fr. The dispute concerns the ownership, or rather the way of using a domain name – enmarche2022.fr, precisely – that Macron’s party considers detrimental to its image in the view of the upcoming political elections. by Andrea Monti – Initially published in Italian on Strategikon – An Italian Tech Blog. Continue reading “The dispute between Macron and Domain Name Governance”

Privacy for Sale. Just call it ‘Right to Personal Image’

On 16 June 2009, the Italian Supreme Court made public a ruling recognising the right of the well-known plaintiff Cgt to obtain compensation for damages to his privacy and his right to image caused by the publication of photographs that had portrayed him in August 2009, in an intimate relationship with his partner Ca.El. in the park of (omissis), in the Municipality of (omissis).  The ruling does not say whom Cgt and (although not a party to the proceedings) Ca. El. are because the protagonists of the affair had asked that their respective personal details not be disclosed. However, with patience, the mystery will be revealed at the end of the text, the (understandable) curiosity satisfied and the paradox of privacy revealed by Andrea Monti – Originally published in Italian on Strategikon – an Italian Tech Blog.

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