Breton’s letter to Elon Musk exposes a serious problem (but it is the EU, not X)

In a letter dated 10 October, Commissioner Breton informed Elon Musk that X is used for disseminating illegal content and disinformation within the EU. He reminded Musk of the regulations imposed by the Digital Service Act in terms of content moderation, and warned that he had received information from “qualified sources” about the circulation of—quoting verbatim—”potentially illegal content” that remains available despite notification from relevant authorities. Lastly, Breton states that it is obligatory (“you need to have in place” reads the letter) to have implemented effective measures to reduce risks to public order and safety arising from the spread of disinformation. He expects — expects, not hopes— immediate compliance with requests from police authorities and Europol. by Andrea Monti – Initially published in Italian by Strategikon – an Italian Tech blog Continue reading “Breton’s letter to Elon Musk exposes a serious problem (but it is the EU, not X)”

From mass surveillance to individual control, the path goes through videgames and exposes the GDPR

A peculiar feature of the third iteration of Call of Duty Modern Warfare has gone almost unnoticed by the media: it will increase the use of AI to block – ‘filter’, as marketing experts would euphemistically say – ‘toxic’ conversations. In other words, an AI will analyse what players are saying in real time, and ‘toxic’ language – whatever that means – will be reported to the moderation team by Andrea Monti – initially published in Italian by Strategikon – an Italian Tech Blog Continue reading “From mass surveillance to individual control, the path goes through videgames and exposes the GDPR”

The UN’s Global Digital Compact Takes Another Step Towards the Political Control of Internet Governance

With the Global Digital Compact, the UN aims to define shared principles for the security of the digital ecosystem. However, as of now, it does not consider traditional Internet Governance. This could be another step towards the ultimate absorption of control over Big Internet into the domain of institutional soft power by Andrea Monti – Adjunct Professor in Digital Law in the Master’s Degree course in Digital Marketing at the University of Chieti-Pescara – Initially published in Italian by Continue reading “The UN’s Global Digital Compact Takes Another Step Towards the Political Control of Internet Governance”

UE and G7, Submarine Cables as a Strategic Asset for Network Security

The Russo-Ukrainian conflict has highlighted the urgency of also controlling energy and data transport infrastructure. The projects of the EU, Australia, India, and Japan for the creation of autonomous submarine connections are the first step towards securing internet networks. However, the real issues remain the control of transport and Internet governance, as stated by Andrea Monti, adjunct professor of Digital Law in the master’s degree program in Digital Marketing at the University of Chieti-Pescara – Initially published in Italian by Continue reading “UE and G7, Submarine Cables as a Strategic Asset for Network Security”