Apple is suing Israeli company Nso to stop its spyware. But what happens when private companies decide the limits of national security instead of entrusting this power to parliaments and civil society? by Andrea Monti – Initially published in Italian by
Fighting ransomware is still a matter for the law
International operations against groups accused of spreading ransomware for extortion purposes are multiplying. However, the way they are carried out resembles paramilitary actions more than police investigations. Is the law still the best tool to protect critical infrastructure? An analysis by Andrea Monti, professor of Digital Law in the Digital Marketing course at the University of Chieti-Pescara – Initially published in Italia by Continue reading “Fighting ransomware is still a matter for the law”
Cybercrime: fighting with ‘whatever it takes
A Reuters press release announces that ‘governments are reacting against the Revil gang and taking it offline’. The article refers to an action concluded towards the end of October 2021 in which the FBI, together with Cyber Command, intelligence services and ‘likeminded countries’ blocked the activities of the criminal group REvil, blamed for the attacks on the US Colonial pipeline and Quanta Computer, the Taiwanese Apple supplier from which new product designs were allegedly stolen. by Andrea Monti – Initially published in Italian by Strategikon – an Italian Tech Blog Continue reading “Cybercrime: fighting with ‘whatever it takes”
Apple to take public powers’ role in children protection
Apple anticipates Italy and the European Union and announces the forthcoming adoption of technological tools that, in order to protect minors, will analyse the contents conveyed through its products. At stake is not (only) privacy, but above all national political sovereignty, writes Andrea Monti, adjunct professor of Digital Law at the University of Chieti-Pescara – Initially published in Italian by Continue reading “Apple to take public powers’ role in children protection”
Regione Lazio, a ransomware and the Italian public policy about digital technology
The ransomware that hit the Regione Lazio infrastructure exposes once again the decades-old problem of the Italian public policy on technology. There has been a time when the Country had the chance to decide for the best. It did not by Andrea Monti – Initially published in Italian by Strategikon – an Italian Tech Blog. Continue reading “Regione Lazio, a ransomware and the Italian public policy about digital technology”