Apple surrenders to the British government. Has the purpose of cloud services been called into question?

Disabling iPhone security features at the request of the UK weakens the reasonable privacy expectation in cloud services and exposes the hypocrisy of the digital ecosystem by Andrea Monti – Initially published in Italian by Italian Tech – La Repubblica Continue reading “Apple surrenders to the British government. Has the purpose of cloud services been called into question?”

Disabling iPhone security features at the request of the UK weakens the reasonable privacy expectation in cloud services and exposes the hypocrisy of the digital ecosystem by Andrea Monti – Initially published in Italian by Italian Tech – La Repubblica Continue reading “Apple surrenders to the British government. Has the purpose of cloud services been called into question?”

Paragon and Meta: the spectre of surveillance and the phantom of democracy

The growing suspicion in recent days, recently dispelled by the Italian government, that the state secret service had used Paragon spyware to eavesdrop on a journalist and an activist brought to mind Juvenal’s eternal question – who controls the controllers? – but with the need for reformulation: who controls the suppliers of the controllers? by Andrea Monti – Initially published in Italian by La Repubblica-Italian Tech Continue reading “Paragon and Meta: the spectre of surveillance and the phantom of democracy”

State-sponsored offensive security is not yet operative, still it is already at stake?

The decree on the State-retaliation to cyber attacks is now a law, but its criticalities have not been resolved during the conversion phase. A ruling from the Supreme Court indirectly highlights them and makes it urgent that the government remedy this paradoxical situation. The analysis by Andrea Monti, adjunct professor of Digital Law in the Digital Marketing degree course at the University of Chieti-Pescara – Initially pubished in Italian by

Continue reading “State-sponsored offensive security is not yet operative, still it is already at stake?”