State-sponsored offensive security is not yet operative, still it is already at stake?

The decree on the State-retaliation to cyber attacks is now a law, but its criticalities have not been resolved during the conversion phase. A ruling from the Supreme Court indirectly highlights them and makes it urgent that the government remedy this paradoxical situation. The analysis by Andrea Monti, adjunct professor of Digital Law in the Digital Marketing degree course at the University of Chieti-Pescara – Initially pubished in Italian by

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The artificial intelligence of the virtual prosecutor

An article published on 26 December by the South China Morning Post headlined Chinese scientists to develop AI ‘prosecutor’ that can press charges on its own. According to the article, the project, which began in 2015, has now reached the executive stage, and software can support prosecutors in deciding whether to send eight types of crime to trial, including dangerous driving, fraud and gambling. Therefore, the field of application is restricted because the crimes that can be analysed are few, and the magistrate still maintains the last word. However, there has been no lack of the usual “alarms” about the “robotic judge” and the umpteenth demonstration of how dangerous this “artificial intelligence” can be –  by Andrea Monti – Initially published in Italian on Strategikon – An Italian Tech Blog Continue reading “The artificial intelligence of the virtual prosecutor”