The role of software and technological dependence in US geopolitical strategies in the Far East and beyond

The control over software is the leverage of the US strategy of expansion in the Far East. This strategy includes the sale, in anti-Chinese function, of armaments to countries in the Indo-Pacific area qualified as “like-minded partners” or “allies” also in the absence of formalisation in treaties such as, for example, that of NATO by Andrea Monti

The software has become a central element of national security protection (or vulnerability) because the functioning of the equipment and systems that make a country’s network work depends on it. Its robustness, however, besides being the first line of defence in technical terms, is also a very efficient geopolitical control tool. Continue reading “The role of software and technological dependence in US geopolitical strategies in the Far East and beyond”

Critical Issues of the Conte-Huawei decree

TIM may use 5G equipment produced by Huawei, provided that it follows the rules dictated by the Presidency of the Council. Is national security safe? by Andrea Monti – originally published in Italian by Infosec.News


On 7 August 2020, the Prime Minister’s Office issued a decree setting out the conditions under which Huawei can provide Italy, through former network monopolist TIM S.p.a., with its 5G infrastructure.

Apart from constitutional issues (yet another ‘creative’ use of the Prime Minister’s Decree, after the management of the COVID-19 lockdown) and political aspects (the decree would neither be a ‘surrender’ to China nor, therefore, a ‘betrayal’ of the Atlantic allies), the Conte-Huawei Decree raises several legal and technical doubts about its real effectiveness. Continue reading “Critical Issues of the Conte-Huawei decree”

The TIM-Huawei Decree and the Chinese’knot untangling

The Italian Presidency of the Council sets the conditions to include Huawei’s technology in the Italian 5G network and might ease the overcoming tensions between the USA and China by Andrea Monti

The Prime Ministerial Decree of August 7, 2020, allows TIM (the former Italian telco monopolist) to use Huawei’s 5G technology, having identified adequate measures to prevent the risks of using Chinese equipment for Italy’s new generation network. This news follows, and contradicts, the exclusion of Huawei from the tender to provide TIM with the same 5G devices because of the need for “diversification of partners” (a requirement lately imposed by the Conte-Huawei Decree). Originally published in Italian by Continue reading “The TIM-Huawei Decree and the Chinese’knot untangling”

Japan to become the “sixth eye” of Anglo-Saxon intelligence? Maybe, but it does not mean the network’s sight will improve

There are many clues that relations between Five Eyes and Japan are progressing in anti-Chinese terms, but the historical legacy of World War II and the geopolitical and economic complexities of the Far East do not make such a choice easy.
By Andrea Monti – Professor of Law and Order and Public Security, University of Chieti-Pescara.

The breaking of the balance in the Far East caused by the aggressive policy of the Trump administration against China and the expansion of the latter’s reach towards the West has brought back to the headlines the opportunity for Japan to become, officially, the sixth of Five Eyes, the worldwide network of interception and espionage currently used by the United States, England, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Continue reading “Japan to become the “sixth eye” of Anglo-Saxon intelligence? Maybe, but it does not mean the network’s sight will improve”