COVID-19, “self-certification”, “self-declaration” and criminal penalties in Italy

Foreign companies operating in Italy by way of a subsidiary or a branch might be confused by the requirements? that allow people to circulate under the exemption set forth by the government in the COVID-19 quarantine regime.

In the event of a police check, every individual who is caught in the street is supposed to exhibit a “self-certification” or “self-declaration” that justifies the abandonment of his house. This is one of the biggest worries for citizens and for companies whose employees have to go around for maintenance work, deliveries or anything that requires current production needs. Continue reading “COVID-19, “self-certification”, “self-declaration” and criminal penalties in Italy”

COVID-19 and Criminal Provision in Italy

The criminal sanctions applicable for direct or indirect violation of rules related to the COVID-19 emergency essentially relate to three areas:

  • non-compliance with the requirements of the Prime Ministerial Decree 8, 9 and 11 March 2020,
  • violation of health and safety regulations in the workplace (Legislative Decree 81/08),
  • violation of the rules on the workplace remote control of employees in the case of remoteworking.

Continue reading “COVID-19 and Criminal Provision in Italy”