The echoes of the first shots fired against Google Analytics by the Austrian Data Protection Authority have not yet died down in the Analytics War, that another attack came from the French front. On 10 February, the Cnil declared that it shared the reading of the Gdpr according to which the use of Google’s data aggregation system allows an illegal transfer of data to the US. The reactions of the American forces were not long in coming, with Meta’s adamantine declaration in a report filed with the SEC, according to which it might be complicated to continue operating in Europe on account of data protection legislation. Google and the other Big Tech companies have not reacted just yet. However, it is probably only a matter of time before a “coalition of the willing” is born to defend the industrial interests of a sector that is strategic for the US, also in terms of international politics by Andrea Monti – published initially in Italian on Strategikon – an Italian Tech blog
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