Golden Power and National Security in the game to conquer TIM

Many of the analyses devoted to the battle between the American fund KKR and the French Vivendi for control of TIM have focused on industrial policy aspects in the telecommunications sector. They have only marginally touched on two crucial issues: what this operation means for Italian national security and – consequently – whether and how much the Draghi government should exercise its golden power and prevent the operation by Andrea Monti – Initially published in Italian by Continue reading “Golden Power and National Security in the game to conquer TIM”

Fighting ransomware is still a matter for the law

International operations against groups accused of spreading ransomware for extortion purposes are multiplying. However, the way they are carried out resembles paramilitary actions more than police investigations. Is the law still the best tool to protect critical infrastructure? An analysis by Andrea Monti, professor of Digital Law in the Digital Marketing course at the University of Chieti-Pescara – Initially published in Italia by Continue reading “Fighting ransomware is still a matter for the law”

The Hidden Threats of the Polish Constitutional Rebellion

The position of the Polish Constitutional Court on the prevalence of domestic law over Community law makes clear the consequences of the refusal to provide the European Union with a sovereign constitution, which – with all its difficulties – is no longer postponable by Andrea Monti, Adjunct Professor of Digital Law, University of Chieti-Pescara – Initially published by Continue reading “The Hidden Threats of the Polish Constitutional Rebellion”