What the Chinese ban of Whatsapp, Telegram and Signal from Apple’s App Store means

According to the Wall Street Journal, Apple has removed or is about to remove a number of programmes from the Chinese version of its App Store, including Whatsapp, Threads, Telegram and Signal on the basis of national security concerns expressed by Beijing by Andrea Monti – Initially published in Italian on Strategikon – an Italian Tech – La Repubblica blog Continue reading “What the Chinese ban of Whatsapp, Telegram and Signal from Apple’s App Store means”

The dispute between Macron and Domain Name Governance

At the end of 2021, the French media spread the news of a legal action brought by Republique En Marche, the party founded by French President Emmanuel Macron, against a publisher that publishes satirical cartoons on the domain enmarche2022.fr. The dispute concerns the ownership, or rather the way of using a domain name – enmarche2022.fr, precisely – that Macron’s party considers detrimental to its image in the view of the upcoming political elections. by Andrea Monti – Initially published in Italian on Strategikon – An Italian Tech Blog. Continue reading “The dispute between Macron and Domain Name Governance”

Regione Lazio, a ransomware and the Italian public policy about digital technology

The ransomware that hit the Regione Lazio infrastructure exposes once again the decades-old problem of the Italian public policy on technology. There has been a time when the Country had the chance to decide for the best. It did not by Andrea Monti – Initially published in Italian by Strategikon – an Italian Tech Blog. Continue reading “Regione Lazio, a ransomware and the Italian public policy about digital technology”

The TIM-Huawei Decree and the Chinese’knot untangling

The Italian Presidency of the Council sets the conditions to include Huawei’s technology in the Italian 5G network and might ease the overcoming tensions between the USA and China by Andrea Monti

The Prime Ministerial Decree of August 7, 2020, allows TIM (the former Italian telco monopolist) to use Huawei’s 5G technology, having identified adequate measures to prevent the risks of using Chinese equipment for Italy’s new generation network. This news follows, and contradicts, the exclusion of Huawei from the tender to provide TIM with the same 5G devices because of the need for “diversification of partners” (a requirement lately imposed by the Conte-Huawei Decree). Originally published in Italian by Formiche.net Continue reading “The TIM-Huawei Decree and the Chinese’knot untangling”