Mountain View algorithms reported a father who sent photos of his son’s inflamed genitals to his doctor. The charge is of child pornography. And confirms the idiocy of algorithms and the legislator by Andrea Monti – Intially published in Italian on Strategikon – an Italian Tech Blog.
State offensive cybersecurity requires an organized regulatory framework
The upcoming Decree Law ‘Aiuti’ seeks to equip Italy with the reactive capacity to cyber attacks. Nevertheless, “Article 37” is only the first step. The analysis by Andrea Monti, professor of Digital Law in the Digital Marketing degree program at the University of Chieti-Pescara. Originally published in Italian on Continue reading “State offensive cybersecurity requires an organized regulatory framework”
Novi and Diem’s True Face
Facebook’s currency and the system for its peer-to-peer transfer once again confront States with their progressive loss of sovereignty and transfer individual wealth into the hands of a private entity in exchange for a ‘voucher’ by Andrea Monti initially published in Italian by Strategikon an Italian Tech Blog Continue reading “Novi and Diem’s True Face”
The VPN wars and the Powerless State
Google offers its VPN also to Italian users, and Apple is preparing to do the same with a similar service, as is – on the activist side – Mozilla. The security of individuals increases (perhaps), the sovereignty of the State decreases (indeed). Moreover, the cybersecurity agency can do nothing about it. The analysis of Andrea Monti, adjunct professor of Digital Law at the University of Chieti-Pescara – Initially published in Italian by
Pegasus is not the problem with electronic surveillance
Using state-of-the-art technology to spy is nothing new. The news that everyone can be spied on, from ordinary citizens to heads of State, is anything new as well. Resistance, as the Vogons used to say, is useless? by Andrea Monti – Initially published in Italian by Strategikon an Italian Tech Blog Continue reading “Pegasus is not the problem with electronic surveillance”