An Australian Bill makes mandatory for IT companies to crack users’ encrypted messages

The Australian Parliament recently passed the ? Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Bill 2018 that might have a disruptive effect on the whole IT business, by forcing companies into designing unsecure hardware and software and weakening users’ confidence. Continue reading “An Australian Bill makes mandatory for IT companies to crack users’ encrypted messages”

A contribution to the analysis of the legal status of cryptocurrencies

This paper advocates that cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum don’t challenge the current legal system, since they fit comfortably enough into the immaterial asset legal definition. As such, while a blockchain-based cryptocurrency can’t be considered as legal tender or electronic money, it can be exchanged on a contractual basis as it happens with every other kind of good. Continue reading “A contribution to the analysis of the legal status of cryptocurrencies”

SOF on Trial. The Technical and Legal Value of Battlefield Digital Forensics in Court

The book Information Security Systems has been published in late 2017 by Springer as part of the ? Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series.

Together with Prof. Luigi Mancini and dr. Agostino Panico of the Information Technology Department of the Sapienza University (Rome) I wrote the chapter titled “SOF on Trial. The Technical and Legal Value of Battlefield Digital Forensics in Court“.

Here is the abstract: Continue reading “SOF on Trial. The Technical and Legal Value of Battlefield Digital Forensics in Court”

On Killing (A disturbing attitude on ICT Security)

A lot of ICT security musings don’t take into account that before being “ICT”, security is first “security”. This means that in designing a strategy, the “security architect” should know the basic meaning of the word: preventing threats and, in case the worst happens, terminate the threat as fast and ruthlessly as possible. Continue reading “On Killing (A disturbing attitude on ICT Security)”