Meta and VAT. It is about the time to decide if personal data are of economic value

It is twenty years too late for someone to realise that taxes should be paid on transactions based on data. But the real issues are the ownership of (or on) information and the urgency to stop believing in ‘digital’ and ‘cyberspace’ by Andrea Monti – Initially published in Italian by Strategikon – an Italian Tech blog. Continue reading “Meta and VAT. It is about the time to decide if personal data are of economic value”

Are US Hunt Forward operations the Trojan horse for spying on EU networks?

On 15th January, the French newspaper Le Monde published an article highlighting the French confusion about the “Hunt Forward Operation” (HFO), i.e. the active search (and therefore “hunt”) for persons or software that have infiltrated a network to commit illegal actions or “cause damage”. Initially launched in Ukraine in early 2022 to counter hostile actions attributed to Russia, HFOs have also been carried out in EU countries such as Lithuania and Croatia by Andrea Monti – Initially published in Italian on Strategikon – an Italian Tech blog. Continue reading “Are US Hunt Forward operations the Trojan horse for spying on EU networks?”

State-sponsored offensive security is not yet operative, still it is already at stake?

The decree on the State-retaliation to cyber attacks is now a law, but its criticalities have not been resolved during the conversion phase. A ruling from the Supreme Court indirectly highlights them and makes it urgent that the government remedy this paradoxical situation. The analysis by Andrea Monti, adjunct professor of Digital Law in the Digital Marketing degree course at the University of Chieti-Pescara – Initially pubished in Italian by

Continue reading “State-sponsored offensive security is not yet operative, still it is already at stake?”

The problem with the cookie wall is not the cookie wall

Some online newspapers recently chose to make previously free columns available in exchange for consent to processing (non-personal) data. This choice has raised protests among users, and the announcement of an in-depth analysis by the Italian Data Protection Authority (from which, but this is another story, an answer is still awaited on the question of the possibility for the American authorities to request data on European citizens located in the EU) by Andrea Monti – Initially published in Italian by Strategikon – an Italian Tech blog Continue reading “The problem with the cookie wall is not the cookie wall”